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dc.contributorRamos, Alessandro Coutinho-
dc.contributor.authorEutrópio, Frederico Jacob-
dc.description.abstractOs fungos ectomicorrízicos desempenham um papel importante nos ecossistemas florestais atuando na decomposição da matéria orgânica e disponibilização de nutrientes essenciais para as plantas hospedeiras, principalmente, em solos contaminados por metais. Além das associações ectomicorrizícas, os ácidos húmicos (AHs) também estimulam o crescimento vegetal por apresentar atividade tipo hormonal, disponibilizar nutrientes e atuar como agente quelante de metais. Isto sugere que os AHs e os fungos ectomicorrízicos possam ser aplicados não apenas na agricultura, mas também em programas de remediação de solos contaminados com metais. Por isso, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a influência de diferentes fontes de ferro (FeIII-citrate, FeIII-EDTA, FeCl3 e FeSO4) e da presença (200 mg.L-1) ou ausência (0 mg.L-1) de AHs, sob diferentes concentrações de ferro, no crescimento micelial e o ionoma de duas espécies de fungos ectomicorrízicos (Pisolithus tinctorius e Pisolithus albus). Os resultados revelaram que para a mesma concentração de Fe o crescimento de P. albus e P. tinctorius foi afetado significativamente pela fonte de ferro presente no meio de cultura. A fonte que se dissocia no meio na forma de Fe2+ (FeSO4) foi mais tóxica aos fungos que aquelas que se dissociaram na forma Fe3+ (FeIII-citrate, FeCl3, FeIIIEDTA). Ambas as espécies fúngicas apresentaram maior crescimento em meio com FeIII-EDTA ou Fe-Citrato. A espécie P. tinctorius foi mais suscetível a elevadas concentrações de ferro (4 e 6 mM Fe) quando comparada a espécie P. albus, a qual apresentou crescimento compatível com tolerância a elevadas concentrações de ferro no meio (4 e 6 mM Fe), independente da fonte utilizada. Independente da presença de AHs o crescimento micelial de P. tinctorius e P. albus diminui com o aumento da concentração de Fe a partir de 4 mM. O tratamento com AHs estimulou o crescimento micelial de P. tinctorius, em todas as concentrações de ferro (0 - 6 mM). Por outro lado, o crescimento de P. albus não apresentou estimulação significativa com o tratamento com AHs, exceto na concentração de 2mM Fe. Em relação a biomassa fúngica, na concentração de 0 mM de ferro, os AHs estimularam em 37% e 105% a biomassa seca de Pisolithus tinctorius e Pisolithus albus, respectivamente e com o aumento das concentrações de ferro o efeito positivo dos AHs diminuiu para 20% em P. tinctorius e 6% em P. albus em 4 mM de Fe. O fungo P. albus tem potencial para ser utilizado na micorrização de plantas em zonas contaminadas com Fe. Em relação ao ionoma, os AHs aumentam as correlações de macro e micronutrientes principalmente em P. albus. The ectomycorrhizal fungi develop an important role in forest ecosystems acting on organic matter decomposition and nutrient availability to host plants, especially under soil metal contamination. Besides the Ectomycorrhizal association, the humic acids (HAs) also stimulate plant growth by its hormonal-like activity and providing essential nutrients or acting as metal chelating agent. This fact suggests that HAs and ectomycorrhizal fungi can be applied not only in agriculture, but also in remediation programs of contaminated soils with metals. Therefore, the objective of this study was to verify the influence of different iron sources (FeIII-citrate, FeIIIEDTA, FeCl3 and FeSO4) and the presence (200 mg.L-1) or absence (0 mg.L-1) of HAs under different iron concentrations, on mycelial growth and ionome of two species of ectomycorrhizal fungi (Pisolithus tinctorius and Pisolithus albus). The results showed that for the same concentration of Fe, the growth of P. albus and P. tinctorius was significantly affected by the iron source present in the culture medium. The source that dissociate in the middle in the form of Fe2+ (FeSO4) showed to be more toxic to the fungus than those dissociated as Fe3+ (FeIII-citrate, FeCl3, FeIII – EDTA). Both fungal species showed higher mycelial growth in medium with FeIII-Fe- EDTA or citrate. The P. tinctorius specie was more susceptible to high iron concentrations (4 and 6 mM Fe) when compared to the species P. albus, which presented growth compatible with tolerance to high iron concentrations (4 and 6 mM Fe), independently of the iron source. Regardless on the presence of Has, the mycelial growth of P. tinctorius and P. albus decreases with the increasing Fe concentration from 4 mM Fe. The treatment with HAs stimulated the mycelial growth of P. tinctorius in all iron concentrations. On the other hand, the growth of P. albus showed no significant stimulation with treatment with AHs, except at a concentration of 2 mm Fe. Fungal biomass, at 0 mM Fe, the AHs stimulated in 37% and 105% the dry biomass of P. tinctorius and P. albus, respectively, and with the increasing of iron concentrations in the medium reduced the positive effect of HAs about 20% for P. tinctorius and 6% for P. albus at 4 mM Fe. The fungus P. albus has the potential to be used in the micorrização of plants in areas contaminated with Fe. The treatment with HAs changed the fungal ionome mainly in P. albus.pt_BR
dc.description.sponsorshipFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Espírito Santo (FAPES), Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)pt_BR
dc.subjectP. tinctoriuspt_BR
dc.subjectP. albuspt_BR
dc.subjectToxicidade por Ferropt_BR
dc.subjectSulfato Ferrosopt_BR
dc.subjectSubstâncias Húmicaspt_BR
dc.subject.vocabularyCNPQ::CIENCIAS BIOLOGICASpt_BR
dc.titlePapel dos ácidos húmicos na regulação do crescimento e ionoma de duas espécies de fungos ectomicorrízicos crescendo em diferentes concentrações de ferropt_BR
dc.description.resumoThe ectomycorrhizal fungi develop an important role in forest ecosystems acting on organic matter decomposition and nutrient availability to host plants, especially under soil metal contamination. Besides the Ectomycorrhizal association, the humic acids (HAs) also stimulate plant growth by its hormonal-like activity and providing essential nutrients or acting as metal chelating agent. This fact suggests that HAs and ectomycorrhizal fungi can be applied not only in agriculture, but also in remediation programs of contaminated soils with metals. Therefore, the objective of this study was to verify the influence of different iron sources (FeIII-citrate, FeIIIEDTA, FeCl3 and FeSO4) and the presence (200 mg.L-1) or absence (0 mg.L-1) of HAs under different iron concentrations, on mycelial growth and ionome of two species of ectomycorrhizal fungi (Pisolithus tinctorius and Pisolithus albus). The results showed that for the same concentration of Fe, the growth of P. albus and P. tinctorius was significantly affected by the iron source present in the culture medium. The source that dissociate in the middle in the form of Fe2+ (FeSO4) showed to be more toxic to the fungus than those dissociated as Fe3+ (FeIII-citrate, FeCl3, FeIII – EDTA). Both fungal species showed higher mycelial growth in medium with FeIII-Fe- EDTA or citrate. The P. tinctorius specie was more susceptible to high iron concentrations (4 and 6 mM Fe) when compared to the species P. albus, which presented growth compatible with tolerance to high iron concentrations (4 and 6 mM Fe), independently of the iron source. Regardless on the presence of Has, the mycelial growth of P. tinctorius and P. albus decreases with the increasing Fe concentration from 4 mM Fe. The treatment with HAs stimulated the mycelial growth of P. tinctorius in all iron concentrations. On the other hand, the growth of P. albus showed no significant stimulation with treatment with AHs, except at a concentration of 2 mm Fe. Fungal biomass, at 0 mM Fe, the AHs stimulated in 37% and 105% the dry biomass of P. tinctorius and P. albus, respectively, and with the increasing of iron concentrations in the medium reduced the positive effect of HAs about 20% for P. tinctorius and 6% for P. albus at 4 mM Fe. The fungus P. albus has the potential to be used in the micorrização of plants in areas contaminated with Fe. The treatment with HAs changed the fungal ionome mainly in P. albus.pt_BR
Appears in Collections:Tese de Doutorado

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