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Título: Avaliação do potencial erosivo da fruta-do-lobo (Solanum lycocarpum St-Hil.) como causador de desgaste dentário em lobos-guará (Chrysocyon brachyurus Illiger 1815)
Autor(es): Dias, Caio Vitor Bueno
Orientador(es): Leite, Flaviana Lima Guião
Palavras-chave: Lesão de esmalte - Animais selvagens - Medicina da conservação
Data do documento: 13-Ago-2013
Resumo: To evaluate the erosive potential of Solanum lycocarpum as a possible causative agent of tooth wear in early Chrysocyon brachyurus an experiment was conducted where incisors bovine (Bos taurus) were subjected to the action of juice wolf’s fruit (S. lycocarpum) For the experiment we used five specimens of bovine incisors free of cracks and fractures. The teeth were rinsed with distilled water and then subjected to polishing of tooth enamel. To prepare the fruit for use in the experiment we used a blender. Copies of the fruit were washed in running water and then ground for 15 minutes. Copies of bovine incisors (n = 5) were divided into two groups: control group (n = 1) in which the specimen was not subjected to exposure to erosive agent, and an experimental group (n = 4) in which the specimens were subjected to erosive agent for 10 minutes, and all were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. Data analysis was descriptive, verifying the qualitative changes in the morphology of adamantine structure, according to the prepared wolf’s fruit, compared with the structure of the enamel of healthy female control group. By SEM analysis, it was found that the enamel subjected to the action of wolf’s fruit showed morphologic aspect differently than in the control group, verifying the presence of erosive areas in the experimental group. The important role of diet in the onset and progression of dental erosion has been the focus of several studies. The foods containing the acid in its composition, such as wolf’s fruit, causes a decrease in pH of the saliva, which allows the dissolution of tooth enamel targeting the ionic balance. These acids, such as acetic acid, ascorbic acid and tannic acid present in the fruit used in this study, in action isolated or combined, produced lesions on enamel demineralization of bovine incisors. Based on the results presented in this paper can be stated that the wolf’s fruit (Solanum lycocarpum) is a causative agent of tooth wear in maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus), as confirmed by the presence of areas of erosion on the enamel surface dental teeth used in this experiment.
Aparece nas coleções:Dissertação de Mestrado

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